Proud to be Belgian

Proud to be Belgian

Every year in May, Belgian Fashion Week comes around to celebrate the incredible world of homegrown Belgian fashion. The celebration is very special to independent designers as it promotes the diversity present in Belgium’s fashion scene and creates awareness around the benefits of buying local.

At Kate & Jules, we are very proud to be a Belgian brand. Belgium has great beer, the best chocolate, and such beautiful fashion - it’s hard to spend a week here and not fall in love with the rich country we’re lucky enough to call home.

Our knitwear range is produced locally in Belgium at the Cousy knitwear factory in Ghent - a family-owned operation that has been around for more than 70 years creating gorgeous, quality knitwear.

So, during fashion week (and the rest of the year come to think of it), get out to your local boutique and support your local designers. We promise you won’t regret it!

If you’re looking to buy Kate & Jules locally in-store, check out our Stores page to find all the great locations that stock our designs.
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